Cyber Curio will help you make your business more successful and more competitive by using modern technologies, setting up effective innovation (teams, roles, processes, best practices, etc.) to rapidly implement novel technological ideas, organizing effective cooperation with your industry peers (e.g. jointly developing new standards via IEEE industry connections). We shall identify the opportunities for adoption of new technologies to deliver the best products and services. We also have lots of experience in initiating useful and meaningful forward-looking collaborative cyber-security research with the best universities.
We know how to stimulate your best engineers to generate new ideas and how to turn these ideas into proofs of concepts, product prototypes and patents. We train engineering teams to become generators of cutting edge technologies.
Patent protection of intellectual property
Cyber Curio help established companies as well as startups with all aspects of protecting intellectual property - from selection of the best patent ideas, to writing and polishing the paperwork for filing at the patent offices. Deep expert analysis of individual patents as well as patent portfolios is our forte. We will check publications, product descriptions and do the necessary reverse engineering of competitors' products to find infringements against your intellectual property and provide proofs of evidence of use. We will enhance and broaden your patent portfolio by improving the claims in patent continuations which focus on covering recent market trends.
We train engineers to convert their core product ideas into patents and teach them all the "do"s and "don't"s of the patent craft.
The count of cyber security patents reviewed, analysed and authored by Cyber Curio staff exceeds thousands. Many dozens of them form patent portfolios of companies like Intel and McAfee.
Startup assessment
Over many years we have been practically involved in many investment initiatives on all levels - we have an unparalleled insight into the inner working and interaction of modern information and security technologies. Cyber Curio will help you make the right investment choice to eliminate financial risks and maximize the growth potential of any technological startup you are interested in.
We will assess startup's health: its core products and technologies, check the level of protection of intellectual property (Cyber Curio will help boost it if necessary) and evaluate the productivity of the team to make sure the VC funding has most potential.