Cyber Curio does cyber security research, startup assessment, drives your business growth, protects intellectual property and creates patent portfolios.
Research At Cyber Curio we have decades of experience in doing computer security, anti-malware research and technology innovation for Intel and McAfee.
We do collaborative research in cyber security with leading universities - Royal Holloway University London, Edinburgh University, London City University, Imperial College, UCL, Swansea University, Belfast University, Coventry University, University of Cagliari and many others. Multiple projects were funded by UK's EPSRC and EC's FP7/H2020.
Startup assessment Having very extensive practical experience with modern information and security technologies Cyber Curio will help you make the right investment choice to eliminate investment risks and maximize the growth potential of any technological startup you are interested in.
We will assess startup's core products and technologies, check the level of protection of intellectual property and evaluate the health of the team to make sure the VC funding has most potential.
Business growth Cyber Curio will help you set up effective innovation labs to implement novel technological ideas, cooperation with your industry peers (e.g. via IEEE industry connections) as well as collaboration with the best universities.
We know how to stimulate your best engineers to generate new ideas and how to turn these ideas into both product prototypes and patent portfolios.
Patents Cyber Curio help established companies as well as startups with all aspects of protecting intellectual property - from selection of the best patent ideas, to writing and polishing the paperwork for filing at the patent offices. Deep expert analysis of individual patents as well as patent portfolios is our forte.
The count of cyber security patents reviewed and authored by our staff exceeds thousands. Many of them have been successfully employed by commercial companies like Intel and McAfee.
About the company Cyber Curio LLP is a registered company in England and Wales. Company Number OC415082.